Other ephemera
- 1964 Physique Movie Calendar
- Aaron's Portfolio
- Athletic Model Guild’s Nude Wrestlers & Wrestling Information Catalog
- Athletic Model Guild Thousand Model Directory
- Bijou Video catalog, Fall/Winter '88-'89
- Bizarre Productions Catalog of Hollywood Models
- Butt 2010 calendar
- Colt 1990 Calendar
- Easter Berlin program
- Fetters in London
- Folsom Europe program, 2023
- Folsom Europe program, 2024
- Fox Studio calendars, 1993 and 1995
- ''Handz Down'' VHS packaging and film separations
- How to Develop a He-Man Personality
- How to Develop a He-Man Voice
- IGHC (Independent Gay Health Clubs) Handbook of Member Facilities
- Kensington Road catalogs
- Kris Studio flyers and price lists
- Langlitz Leathers ephemera
- Lew Magram Fashion catalogs
- Man Tricks brochure
- Mark I. Chester exhibition flyers
- Mr S Leather Co. and Fetters retail price list
- Mr S Leather Co. and Fetters catalogs
- New York Queer Zine Fair programs
- Paris Ass Book Fair programs
- Paris Fetish #9 brochure, 2023
- Regency Square brochures
- Regulation catalog (1993) and price list (1995)
- Rich Book Service order form
- Spring ’69 at the Park! brochure
- Studstore catalog
- TLA gay.com catalogue
- Trading Post catalogs and flyers
- Undergear catalogue
- Unidentified rubber newsletters